1月26日下午,澳洲聯邦總理吉拉德(Julie Gillard)和反對黨領袖艾伯特(Tony Abbott)被數百名憤怒的原住民抗議者圍困在坎培拉一家餐廳,後由警方保駕才得以從側門倉促逃離現場。事件起因於艾伯特上午發表的一番言論,說應該重新考慮原住民帳篷大使館的問題,抗議者稱這是極具侮辱性的種族主義。
據澳新社的報導,週四下午2點30分左右,200多名來自原住民帳篷大使館(Aboriginal Tent Embassy)的抗議者聚集在國會大廈附近的The Lobby餐廳,抗議艾伯特上午在接受記者採訪時提到應重新考慮帳篷大使館的言論。抗議者敲擊餐廳的玻璃窗,並不斷高呼「可恥」和「種族主義者」。當時餐廳內的吉拉德和艾伯特正在參加國家救險英雄獎(National Emergency Medal)頒獎儀式。
兩位政黨領袖被圍困了半個小時,直至當地警方和防暴警察趕到現場才得以衝出人群,乘坐同一輛車離開現場。在聯邦警察警衛隊護送下的吉拉德的撤離方式頗具戲劇性。儘管總理辦公室說她只是「被絆倒」,但Fairfax 攝影師艾琳豪森(Alex Ellinghausen)拍到照片顯示,她是被其保鏢拖出去的。艾琳豪森描述說:「警方將她拉了出來。他們的步速顯然比她快,因此她在撤離過程中丟了一隻鞋子,並摔倒在地。」
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混亂的場面!! |
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只要有種族衝突一定發生的燒國旗.... |
來自紐省西北Darkingjun原住民土地理事會的領袖戈登(Sean Gordon)表示,在聽到艾伯特發表的那番講話之前,抗議者一直是和平進行的,而艾伯特的話「好比是對公牛舞動的紅布。」他說:「這些人就在200米以外。如果艾伯特能預知未來,他為甚麼沒有看到這番話對我們造成的傷害呢?」
紐省原住民理事會成員羅伊(Roy RC)在接受記者採訪時表示,也許艾伯特是對的,是該移除帳篷大使館了,如果是這樣,那麼「現在就該成立一個黑人議會,我們可以對議員進行選擇,他們對我們的生活有發言權。」戈登則表示,本週還會有進一步抗議行動,因為「我們要繼續鬥爭,我們要堅守這裡,我們不會走開。」
Chanting their demands for justice and recognition of indigenous sovereignty, about 200 protesters including a number of children, were met by a wall of police at the parliament's main entrance.
Four protesters, including an older woman in a wheelchair, managed to get inside the doors before being surrounded by security guards. They left voluntarily and rejoined the crowd outside.
The move followed angry scenes at the indigenous protest camp where activists denied they were responsible for yesterday's violence, which saw police bundle Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott from a function for bravery medal winners.
As the Prime Minister praised the actions of officers, who rushed her and the Opposition Leader to safety, the Australian Federal Police defended its response to the Australia Day protest.
AFP assistant commissioner Michael Outram said police had monitored the tent embassy throughout the day yesterday and had seen nothing to raise concerns.
"It had been peaceful throughout the day," he said.
"We had no reason to suspect there was any problem or any risk to the Prime Minister."
Mr Outram said "opportunistic" elements of the crowd took advantage of the situation.
He said it was only when the crowd became "threatening and aggressive" that the decision was taken to remove Ms Gillard and Mr Abbott.
Ms Gillard stumbled and lost a shoe as she was rushed from The Lobby Restaurant, where she was attending an awards ceremony for emergency services workers.
Mr Outram, the head of the AFP's protection unit, declined to identify the AFP officer who caught Ms Gillard as she fell.
He said a formal investigation had been launched and charges were possible.
The Prime Minister said she respected the right to protest, but the activists went too far.
"What I utterly condemn is when protests turn violent the way we saw the way we saw the violence yesterday," she said.
"For myself I was always very confident in the abilities of police. I knew that I'd be fine and I was fine.
"But I was very angry about the disruption to an event with some very special people."
She said she noted that indigenous leaders like Mick Gooda had "utterly condemned" the protest.
"We are a country I believe on a journey to genuine reconciliation," she said.
Mr Abbott also praised police, and congratulated Ms Gillard for her handling of the situation.
He condemned the protesters as "un-Australian", saying he was "verballed" by protesters who said he'd called for Canberra's Aboriginal tent embassy to be removed.
Mr Abbott said he had never suggested the tent embassy be dismantled.
He said he was simply making the point that it was time Australia moved on from the anger between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians that existed when the tent embassy was established.
"I made the point that a lot has happened in 40 years and I think that we have moved on from the issues of 40 years ago which caused the Aboriginal tent embassy to be set up," he said.
Greens Deputy Leader Christine Milne said the comments were regrettable.
"Mr Abbott's ill-considered remarks demonstrate the need to officially recognise all elements of Australia Day so that we can work towards a truly national day," she said.
Protest leader Michael Anderson said police had failed to do their job.
"The problem was the police, they weren't controlling the situation," protest leader Michael Anderson said.
"The police weren't looking after Julia Gillard properly."
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