Kevin Rudd(陸克文)正式退位,副總理Julia Gillard(茱莉雅·吉拉德)接替職位
(112 席次中74席的支持)
Julia Gillard也成為澳洲歷史上第一位女性元首
像是才發生沒多久的2007年11月24日,當時五十歲的工黨(labor party)黨魁Kevin rudd(陸克文)打敗了自由黨(liberal party)常青總理John Howard(約翰·霍華德,擔任澳洲總理11年)。大學主修中文及中國歷史,後來又任職於澳洲駐中國大使館的陸克文,在電視上轉播時他以中國話對中國聽眾演說的片段,這位"首位能說流利中文的西方國家領導人",不論是一舉一動還真的都是東西方媒體的注目焦點!!
在金融風暴時,他率領澳洲度過經濟衰退危機;也代表澳洲簽署京都議定書,簽下京都議定書,在國家努力對抗氣候的遽變向前一大步;當然還有勇敢的對澳洲受過不平等待遇的族群道歉等等(有興趣的可以按這一篇) 。
當時阿牛就說過,一個口頭上的道歉,其實只是擺明了:"我已經代表澳洲道歉過了,將來大家不論是任何膚色,都有平等的競爭權力..."但是整個社會不論是軟硬措施,根本不可能像是嘴上一句話就能改變 。
以下為新總理Julia Gillard小資料 :
茱莉雅·艾琳·吉拉德(英文:Julia Eileen Gillard)(1961年9月29日-),澳洲政治人物,生於英國威爾斯格拉摩根山谷的小鎮巴瑞,墨爾本大學法律和文學雙學士學位畢業。現任澳洲聯邦副總理、眾議院議員、澳洲工黨聯邦副領袖等職,主管勞動關係和教育事務[1]。
現在黨內換了一個"受支持"的新總理,別忘了,未來10月大選的對手是Tony Abbott(東尼.艾伯特),加上因為工黨內部分裂,工黨支持率仍落後在野黨。所以鹿死誰手還不知道哩!!
關於Tony Abbott(東尼.艾伯特)小介紹
不過誰知道呢?..... 看似親亞洲的路先生最後還不是給亞洲人一個糟糕的一記巴掌!?
澳大利亞總理陸克文(Kevin Rudd)突然宣布請職,副總理吉拉德(Julia Gillard)24日順利獲選為新總理,成為澳洲首位女性總理。陸克文成為澳洲19年來第一位被迫下台的總理,主要原因來自於一系列政策失誤,已經威脅到工黨在國會大選的選情。
◎黨內政變 陸克文黯然下台
◎擱置碳排 違背競選承諾
◎資源稅引民怨 經濟未有起色
◎吉拉德:導正方向 重振工黨聲勢
◎內政外交 不致有太大改變
澳洲國立大學(National Australia University)政治系教授華納(John Wanna)分析,陸克文的格調以及不善溝通,是他下台的主因;而吉拉德被廣泛認為是國會中的最佳溝通者。不過,他也認為,在選前幾個月更換總理,難免對選情構成風險。
由於吉拉德和陸克文同屬執政的工黨,在內政和外交上不致出現重大的改變;何況現任財政部長史汪(Wayne Swan)不但留任,還當上吉拉德的副總理,顯然在財經政策上也不會有太大的更動。
A TRANSCRIPT of the Prime Minister's press conference, Canberra, June 23.
Earlier this evening, Julia Gillard came to see me and has requested a ballot for the leadership of the Labor Party.
As a result of that request I will be writing to the secretary of the caucus to convene a special meeting of the caucus at 9 o'clock in the morning.
It's important I believe in the interests of the party and the government for these matters to be resolved as a matter of urgency.
I was elected by the people of Australia as Prime Minister of Australia.
I was elected to do a job, I intend to continue doing that job. I intend to continue doing it to the absolute best of my ability. Part of that job has been to steer this country through the worst economic crisis the world has seen in 75 years. I believe the government has acquitted itself well to that task.
Part of the reason the government was elected was to deliver fundamental reforms in the health and hospital system, I believe the government has acquitted itself well to that task as well.
Part of what the government was elected to do was also deliver fair outcome for pensioners in Australia and I believe we've done that well by increasing the pension to the extent that we have.
These are important reforms. Infrastructure, education, health, hospitals, closing the gap with indigenous Australians. Also the apology to the first Australians. As Prime Minister of the country I am proud of each and every one of these achievements. There is much more to be done and we intend to get on with the job of doing it.
It has become apparent to me in the course of the last period of time, last several weeks, that a number of factional leader within the Labor Party no longer support my leadership. That is why it is imperative that this matter be resolved. I therefore will be contesting the leadership of the party and therefore the government tomorrow at that ballot.
I think it's important for stability for the government and the party this occur. As I said before, it's far better these things are done quickly rather than be strung out over a period of time.
I'd say one or two other things as well.
If I am returned as the leader of the party and the government and as Prime Minister then I will be very clear about one thing - this party and government will not be lurching to the right on the question of asylum-seekers as some have counselled us to do.
Also, on the question of climate change, we'll be moving to a timetable on emissions trading which is of the government's decision, contray to the views of some in terms of when that best occurs.
These are important reforms for the future but there is much work still to be done, right now obviously we are at the midst of a debate on the future of the taxation system. This is a hard debate, a hard debate which has been waged in previous times as well.
Tax reform is never easy, a lot of paint's been taken off the government on the way through. It's also been difficult for previous governments engaged in the business of hard reform. We don't resile from that challenge.
However, this obviously has created some challenges and tensions within our party and I mentioned before, having lost the support of certain factional leaders. Therefore it's time to get on with the business of resolving this as quickly as possible as the national interest at stake.
I conclude where I began, I was elected by the people of Australia to do a job. I was not elected by the factional leaders of Australia, of the Australian Labor Party to do a job - though they may be seeking to do a job on me, that's a separate matter.
The challenge therefore is to honour the mandate given to me by the Australian people.
We've made mistakes on the way through, I have been very up front about that, but in navigating this economy through the worst crisis the world has seen and keeping hundreds of thousands of Australians in jobs who would otherwise be on the unemployment queues, of that I am fundamentally proud and we intend to continue that reform.
Before you ask your questions, I'll take two or three questions and then as you may appreciate I have some other work to do.
(Question: Do you think you can win tomorrow?)
I believe I'm quite capable of winning this ballot tomorrow - based on the soundings that we have taken most recently then I believe there is a strong body of support for the continuation of my leadership.
(Question: Has Julia Gillard told you she's standing against you?)
I indicated before that Julia has asked me to have a ballot for the leadership of the Labor Party, I've responded to that request. I'm sorry if I didnt make that clear before.
(Question: Personally, do you feel betrayed?)
Politics is a tough business but the business of politics is about doing what's right for the country. I can say in full and honest conscience that I have taken every decision I have taken so far as Prime Minister in the nation's interest. A lot of those decisions were hard and rough on the way through but I've appreciated the strong support of my colleagues on the way through as well.
They have been a fantastic team but we've gone into some heavy weather of late and a few people have become, shall I say, a little squeamish at that. I'm not for getting squeamish about those things, I am about continuing the business of reform and providing good, strong, proper government for the people of Australia, the people of Australia who elected me as Prime Minister.
(Question: Mr Rudd, you mentioned asylum seekers and the ETS, are you talking about a change in policy in both those areas?)
I've been very plain about what I said before and you've heard me say things about asylum-seeker policy recently, I believe it is absolutely wrong for this country to and absolutely wrong in terms of the values which we hold dear, to get engaged in some sort of race to the right in this country on the question of asylum-seekers. I don't think that's the right thing to do. That's the direction the Liberal Party would like to take us - under my leadership we will not be going in that direction.
Furthermore, furthermore, furthermore, can I say this, on the questions of emissions trading which you have raised and is obviously a matter of great controversy in the community, let me be very clear, action on climate change cannot be achieved in the absence of an emissions trading scheme. We need a price on carbon and it needs to be put, that price on carbon needs to be put, on it within a reasonable timeframe. That would be the decision of the government assuming I'm re-elected as its Prime Minister.
(Question: Would you expect Ms Gillard to stand down as Deputy Prime Minister if she doesn't win tomorrow?)
I am simply calling for a ballot for the leadership of the Labor Party. I believe that is the right and responsible course of action to do, to undertake, for the simple reason that that was the request which was made of me.
My fundamental interests are to preserve the good name and standing of this Australian Labor Party and to act in the national interest on behalf of the Australian Government. We have large challenges ahead, not least of which is an upcoming G20 summit in Toronto at which I am currently scheduled to lead an Australian delegation. This G20 Summit will deal with a whole range of fundamental reforms to the financial system which go to the interests of the Australian banks and the cost of credit in the country.
These are important national interests to pursue, it is one reason why I have decided, apart from others, that it's important to resolve this matter of the leadership as a matter of urgency. There are national interests at stake here, which go beyond the personal interests of me as an individual, which go beyond the personal interests of me as a politician, which go beyond the personal interest of me as a Prime Minister. Those national interests should be equally in our thinking at a time like this. My party's interests is important as well. These two matters should be resolved as a matter of urgency and I have a few urgent things now to attend to. Thank you.
"陸克文上任不久,有關他脾氣不受控的報道陸續出現,反對派批評陸克文脾氣差,形容他是粗魯文”(Kevin Rude,陸克文的英文名是Kevin Rudd)。據報他有次乘坐皇家澳洲空軍專機,因為女服務員沒有按他要求提供沒有紅肉的飛機餐,而爆粗罵哭她。一名反對派議員亦爆料,指陸克文前往阿富汗探訪駐當地澳軍,因拍照前找不到風筒整理頭髮而大發雷霆。
此外,陸克文常向下屬作出不合理要求。部分已離職的工黨成員私下批評陸克文的管理方式,將問題推給下屬處理,而且往往在深宵傳召員工,不理會對方感受。一名前員工說:「陸克文從不作出正面評語,為人容易發怒。」「受害者」包括在復活節後離職的管家菲舍爾。 ....
此外,去年於哥本哈根氣候峰會中,因與中國代表意見不合,經過長時間無了期的辯論後,向傳媒以粗口辱罵中國及其代表,大罵對方是「混蛋」( fuckers),親華形象盡毀。
據悉當時中國與會代表不肯與澳洲及美國合作,拒簽訂有國際約束力的碳減排條約。陸克文怒不可遏,向一群記者和助手怒吼:「那些中國混蛋想玩死我們( Those Chinese fuckers are trying to rat-fuck us)!」陸克文一向喜怒形於色,今次已非他首度公開爆粗,去年他提出削減聯邦議員福利的計劃,被所屬工黨的國會議員抗議後,便曾破口大罵他們是「混蛋!」....."
